Is It Normal, Or Not?

On March 22, 2013 by AntheaAppel

chronic vs acute symptomsMany things that we think are normal for our cats and dogs—things like doggy breath, skin odor, and excessive shedding all over our clothes and furniture—is in fact not normal at all, but a sign of a chronic illness.

Sometimes I’ll hear comments from pet owners who’ll say that certain breeds are prone to this condition, or that condition. But is it really true? Are cocker spaniels really prone to ear problems? Are Siamese cats really prone to gingivitis? Are Pitbulls really prone to aggressions? Or, is it because of a processed food diet or vaccines that are bringing on these conditions? Are chronic diseases being bred into animals? Or, is it neglect by their caregivers? And why isn’t anyone connecting the dots?

Below is a list of symptoms of a chronic illness that are often ignored by conventional veterinarians and pet owners:

* Irrational fears – rain, cars, water, noise, people, enclosed spaces, etc.
* Obsessive, compulsive, or repetitive behaviors
* Body odors (ears too)
* Inflammation – gums, udders, eyes, ears, coronary bands
* Unwarranted aggressions
* Parasites – internal and external
* Food fixations or cravings
* Discharges – ears, eyes, anal sacs, diarrhea, sheath
* Burps, farts, grumbly guts, bloating

Most of the symptoms above may be corrected through The Eight Laws of Health. And, no, folks, if your dog or cat has fleas, ticks, worms, etc., it is NOT normal (pests & parasites are attracted to sick animals). Or, if your dog will only eat out of a certain bowl; no, it’s NOT normal. They are all signs your pet may have a chronic illness.

When I was studying homeopathy with Dr. Glenn Dupree, DVM, he defined acute and chronic conditions, as such: “As defined in Homeopathic philosophy, the terms acute and chronic are not time related. In conventional medicine, a disease is acute for the first few days then becomes chronic as either it is not treated or does not respond to treatment. The difference between an acute disease and a chronic disease in conventional medicine is determined by an arbitrarily set timeline. This is not the case in Homeopathy. In Homeopathic philosophy, disease is either acute or chronic from the onset and for duration and is determined by its dynamic origin.”

IF after diligently following The Eight Laws of Health and your pet still has some of the below symptoms (and are NOT related to a “Healing Crisis” after detoxing), you may want to consider the animal has a chronic health condition and that the underlying causes will need to be addressed:


* poor development; uneven, small body; irregular, small missing teeth
* hair doesn’t grow well; thin, poor coat; loss of undercoat; dry, lusterless hair
* doggy odor; skin odor, oiliness to the coat
* itchiness (even mild) without evident lesions; licking feet excessively; licking and scratching entire body
* ears waxy; oily dark brown discharge; ears or earflaps warm or sensitive to touch
* conjunctiva too pink; mucus in corners of the eyes; rubbing eyes on furniture, on vegetation
* stiffness; restriction of movement of rear limbs on running; difficulty rising; joint pain
* hip dysplasia and associated “developmental orthopedic diseases”
* nose too dry on surface, cracked; pigment loss; watery discharge dripping from nose
* tendency to diarrhea (especially with change of foods); occasional mucous or blood in stool
* offensive flatus
* eruptions between toes; fistulae (often thought to be foreign bodies)
* anal sac problems (leak, gets inflamed, doesn’t empty)
* cravings for manure, dirt, sticks, rocks
* chronic fever (consistently above 101F)
* excessive, ravenous appetite; overweight if intake not restricted
* scoots bottom on floor
* mental symptoms:
fears – (noise, storms, people, crowds, wind, to be alone, of crating, of new places, etc)
suspicious – (people, strangers, other animals, new foods, new situations)
unfriendliness, shyness
tendency to bite or act aggressively; to obsessively hunt other animals (cats especially, but also poultry and sheep)
destructiveness of surroundings (especially clothing, blankets, etc)
mentally slow – difficulty in learning or remembering
nervous hyperactivity and inability to focus


* thirst (healthy cats on a species appropriate diet do not/seldom drink)
* gum inflammation: red line; diffusely red gums
* tooth decay; abscesses; cervical neck lesions; root abscesses
* unhealthy skin – itch, flake, dander
* poor coat – rough; dry; lusterless; lightening of color or reddish/brownish cast; spiky
* bladder troubles – too frequent urination; spraying; straining; inappropriate urination
* bowel function disturbed – soft stools; occasional diarrhea; diarrhea from food changes; tendency to constipation
* appetite problems – finicky; desire to eat little and often; malnutrition
* low level conjunctivitis – a “little too red” on the membranes; watery accumulation of mucus and debris in the corners of the eye
* change in the color of the iris
* low grade fever (consistently above 101F)
* discomfort after eating; vomiting tendency (after eating too fast, after different foods); gastritis
* ears irritated; itchy; dark oily or waxy discharge in the canals
* wasting; tendency toward thinness or emaciation; obesity
* coughing; tendency to asthma
* dark discharge at base of nails
* mental and emotional disorders:
fears (people, noise, movements, etc)
aggression (unfriendliness, attacks people, other animals, etc)
hatred, jealousy (other cats, quarrelsome, etc)

List complied by Dr. Dupree. Thank you.

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