• Consultations

    Help your pet reach optimal health

  • Nutrition

    Ditch the Can! Ditch the Bag! Go Species Appropriate Diet!

  • Common Sense

    Responsible health care is about prevention

    Kidneys Disease in Cats

Why a RAW Diet?

A RAW meaty bone diet provides benefits a commercial diet can never hope to match: No pet odor; cleaner teeth; less stinky stools; & decreased or non-existent vet bills (your pets are healthier!)

A Holistic Life

Are you ready to surrender all your preconceived ideas about pet health? Do you want to get busy creating a new foundation of true natural health care for your pet? If so, then you've come to the right place.

The Healing Power of Nature

Animal Naturopathy supports & assists the healing process by identifying & removing obstacles to a cure by using nature & nature’s remedies that work with, not against, the body’s natural processes.


“Homeopathy is the true and very advanced healing science much beyond the scope of current methods of chemical analysis and interpretation." ~ Dr. Aditya Sardana

Why Do Cats And Dogs Eat Grass?

Is there anyone who hasn’t wondered why cats and dogs eat grass?...

11th Jun

The Danger of Carrageenan in Pet Food

The other day I was walking down the pet supply aisle of...

05th May

Bathing Beauty

A healthy skin and coat doesn’t ordinarily smell. And if your dog...

14th Mar

Bone Broth For Your Cat Or Dog

Achy knees? Arthritis? Leaky Gut? Or do you just want to give...

12th Feb

Better Foods, Better Pets

I hope the photo of the large white cat to the left...

18th Jan

Conference Notes: Natural Canine Health

A few weeks back I attended the four-day Natural Canine Health Symposium...

12th Nov