What You Can’t See Won’t Hurt Your Pet?

When I was taking a class in Animal Iridology there was another...

04th Mar

Why Fish Is Bad For Your Cat

We’ve all seen the Saturday morning cartoons of a cat trying to...

02nd Jan
why fish is bed for cats

The 411 on Preservatives In Pet Food

Did you know that preservatives are “hidden anti-biotics”? Think about it. Anti-biotics...

22nd Nov

The “Healing Crisis”

Once a pet owner has made the decision to change their dog...

31st Oct

The Mystery of the Siamese Cat’s Whiskers

This past summer I noticed something different about my Siamese cat, Poppy....

27th Oct

What’s the 411 on Heartworms?

According to the American Heartworm Society the first description of heartworms in...

06th Jun